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Leaving Lyttelton

Ross Sea Voyage Update #1: Leaving Lyttelton

Date: 2024
Type: Update
Summary: The Ross Sea Voyage 2024 is underway. Seven scientists from the Antarctic Science Platform departed Lyttleton at 1700 on 6 January on Italy’s RV Laura Bassi icebreaker, with around 25 Italian colleagues. This climate-focused mission will spend two months at sea.
Hydrographic mooring being deployed in Terra Nova Bay

Highlights from Antarctic ocean mechanics research 2022/23

Date: 2023
Type: Update
Authors: Project 2
Summary: A changing Antarctica will impact oceanic transport of heat and other associated materials, such as salt, carbon dioxide, oxygen and nutrients. Researchers in the Antarctic Ocean Mechanics project are investigating past and present ocean conditions - currents, polynya formation, sea ice and dispersion of meltwater - and how this may change as the world warms.
Artwork depicting change in Antarctic sea-ice conditions. Photo: Marte Hofsteenge. CC BY-NC-ND.

Ant-ART-ica: Using art to communicate Antarctic research

Date: 2023
Type: People
Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Summary: PhD student Marte Hofsteenge is exploring the use of art to communicate with a wider audience about research in Antarctica.
95 288 Craig Potton

Antarctic Science Platform in the news 2022/23

Date: 2023
Type: Update
Summary: In case you missed it, here are some of the media and outreach opportunities our team was involved in during the past year. There were also public talks, school visits and publications in subscription-based magazines.
Fig 7 site 20221026 182209 Natalie Robinson

How to recover a mooring from under the sea ice

Date: 2023
Type: Science
Authors: Natalie Robinson
Summary: Find out how this past summer, in Antarctica, we recovered an experimental oceanographic mooring from under the sea ice.
Fish below the platelet layer

Case Study: Bespoke technology is advancing Antarctic research

Date: 2022
Type: Science
Summary: The long-term perspective of the Antarctic Science Platform has afforded research partners the certainty to invest in new equipment.
Emperor penguins

Antarctica: coming to a postcode near you

Report shows dramatic Antarctic change with global consequences
Date: 2022
Type: Press Release
Authors: Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Summary: Climate change is having significant impacts on Antarctica’s ice sheets, climate and life, with far-reaching global consequences, according to a new report from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) released on May 24 at the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in Berlin.
Sea ice installation

Icy science, but without the scientists on ice

Date: 2020
Type: Press Release
Authors: Antarctic Science Platform
Summary: Despite a reduced season to due COVID-19 restrictions, Antarctica New Zealand is delighted to have successfully continued to support the Sea Ice Mass Balance Station, a special probe that measures the thickness, temperature and formation of sea ice, and snow cover in McMurdo Sound, has been retrieved for the summer.
