
PhD Scholarship: Extracting and compiling knowledge of biology across the Ross Sea Region

10 February 2020

Project Three is looking for a PhD student to join Dr Charles Lee at the University of Waikato and Fraser Morgan at Manaaki Whenua to create an informatic pipeline capable of retrieving biological information from a variety of data sources. This includes natural language texts and structured databases, extracting (or approximating) geographic information associated with occurrence of flora and fauna, and systematically compiling retrieved data for validation.

This is an exciting opportunity for someone with a MSc or BSc Honours (or equivalent) in computer or information science. Experience with natural language processing, geographic information retrieval, geoparsing, and data mining is highly desirable. As part of this research, the candidate will likely join expeditions to the Ross Sea Region to conduct targeted sampling for validation and additional data gathering.

This scholarship is based at the University of Waikato and covers both tuition fees and living expenses for three years.

Applications are now open, to apply please submit CV/bibliography and contact information of three references to Dr Charles Lee charles.lee@waikato.ac.nz

Applications close on the 30th of April.

For more information please contact Dr Charles Lee Charles.lee@waikato.ac.nz

Over the life of the Platform there will be 15 PhD scholarship available, with five of those funded to begin this year. Keep an eye on our website for future opportunities. For more information please contact Caroline Pratt scienceplatform@antarcticanz.govt.nz