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National Modelling Hub: Building skills and collaborations for Antarctic science

4 October 2024

From 2-4 Sept, as part of the Antarctic Science Platform's (ASP) 2024 Winter School, NeSI team members helped build the computational research skills of early career researchers from New Zealand universities and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs).

Organised and run by the Antarctic Science Platform's National Modelling Hub, the workshop was hosted at Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington.

The first day was dedicated to an introduction to High Performance Computing on NeSI systems. Participants learned HPC fundamentals such as navigating the file system, creating and removing directories, copying and moving files. They also had an opportunity to submit their first job to the cluster and monitor its execution.

Read more about this year's Winter School here.

So far in 2024, ASP has run 12 different projects on NeSI platforms, ranging in focus from developing a regional-scale climate model for the Ross sea domain, to building a model that quantifies the Ross Ice shelf cavity meltrate and how it may change in the future.

Examples of ASP projects currently using NeSI resources: