Summary: The Antarctic Science Platform took a leading role in the science programme for the RV Tangaroa's 16th Antarctic campaign, with a priority to enhance the internationally coordinated network of oceanographic observations within the Ross Sea.
Summary: A first-of-its-kind study suggests the worsening melting of Antarctica’s vast ice sheet could directly drive shifts in New Zealand’s local climate patterns.
Summary: ASP researchers have set sail for Antarctica on NIWA’s research vessel Tangaroa to continue research into impacts of climate change on Antarctica’s Ross Sea, and the impacts of a changing Ross Sea on the rest of the globe.
Summary: New Zealand’s Antarctic Science Platform (ASP) and Australia’s Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future (SAEF) are pleased to open a call for proposals to conduct cooperative research activities in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.
Summary: Antarctic Science Platform climate researchers are part of an ambitious mission to recover critical geological records to help forecast future sea-level rise. The first team members have embarked on a 1128 km journey across the Ross Ice Shelf to set up camp on the edge of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Summary: For the Platform, the front end of the field season has an emphasis on ecological research, with teams working out on the sea ice (as well as under it).
Summary: From 2-4 Sept, as part of the Antarctic Science Platform's (ASP) 2024 Winter School, NeSI team members helped build the computational research skills of early career researchers from New Zealand universities and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs).
Summary: PhD candidate Eva Nielsen has created a new dataset of Antarctica’s temperature over the past 20 years analysing its trends and temperature extremes as part of her research.