Mātauranga Māori
Antarctic Science Platform Hui 2025
Project 1: Ice Dynamics
Project 2: Ocean Mechanics
Project 3: Ecosystems
Project 4: Feedbacks
National Modelling Hub
Ross Sea Voyage 2024
Opportunity Projects
Modelling and Future Projections
Policy Interface Working Group
Building Capability
Innovative Technology
COVID-19 Requirements
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Collaboration Hub
Document Hub Login
Project 1 - Antarctic Ice Dynamics Proposal
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Adrian McDonald
Adrian Tan
Alena Malyarenko
Alex Pyne
Alexandra Gossart
Andres Gutierrez-Rodriguez
Andrew Barnes
Andrew Gorman
Angela Bahamondes Domingues
Antonia Cristi
Bella Duncan
Catherine Beltran
Ceridwen Fraser
Charles Lee
Chris Moy
Christian Ohneiser
Christina Hulbe
Christina Riesselman
Claudine Stirling
Cliff Law
Craig Cary
Craig Stevens
Craig Stewart
Dan Lowry
Daniel Price
Daniela Liggett
Darcy Mandeno
Dean Anderson
Denise Fernandez
Drew Lohrer
Erik Behrens
Fabien Montiel
Fraser Morgan
Gabby O'Connor
Gavin Dunbar
Giuseppe Cortese
Graham Rickard
Greg Leonard
Heather Purdie
Huw Horgan
Ian Hawes
Inga Smith
James Renwick
Jocelyn Turnbull
Joe Prebble
Jonathan Tonkin
Jono Conway
Ken Ryan
Leigh Tait
Liz Keller
Mario Krapp
Marwan Katurji
Mary Sewell
Matt Pinkerton
Max Thomas
Melissa Bowen
Miles Lamare
Natalie Robinson
Natasha Gardiner
Neil Gilbert
Nicolas Cullen
Nick Golledge
Olivia Truax
Pat Langhorne
Peyman Zawar-Reza
Pierre Roudier
Richard Levy
Robert McKay
Sara Mikaloff-Fletcher
Shaun Eaves
Stefan Jendersie
Steve Wing
Tim Naish
Vonda Cummings
Wolfgang Rack
Nancy Bertler
Gill Wratt
Peter McComb
Helen Cleugh
Aimee Kaio
Sandy Morrison
Darren Ngaru King
Shaun Awatere
Rob Dunbar
Byron Adams
Carlota Escutia
Dame Jane Francis FRS
Jill Mikucki
Steve Rintoul
Martin Siegert
Chris Thomson
Project 1: Ice Dynamics
Project 2: Ocean Mechanics
Project 3: Ecosystems
Project 4: Feedbacks
National Modelling Hub
Ross Sea Voyage 2024
Opportunity Projects
Modelling and Future Projections
Policy Interface Working Group
Building Capability
Mātauranga Māori
Welcome to our Antarctic whanau Dr Dan
PhD Scholarship - Machine learning for uncertainties of past ice-volume changes
September Update
Introducing our modelling fellows
Supercomputers and super cool science
August Update
Antarctica's ICEperts - Drilling through the world’s largest ice shelf for a glimpse into the future
Antarctica's ICEperts - Forays into Frozen Oceans
New Board members for Antarctica New Zealand
A Climate Crisis Opportunity?
Antarctica's ICEperts - Diving in Antarctica
Ice-olation for Antarctica New Zealand
July Update
The Warming South Pole
Kāhui Māori to protect and guide Antarctic as well as climate adaptation research
Antarctica's ICEperts - a webinar series
June Update
Congratulations to the Melting Ice and Rising Seas team
COVID-19 Impacts Antarctic Field Season
May Update
Emotive new documentary episode highlights Antarctica’s global role in sea level rise
Antarctica New Zealand COVID-19 response update
April Update
Two new PhD opportunities with Project Three
Antarctica New Zealand Update
Update from the ice
Antarctica New Zealand COVID-19 response
Remembering an Antarctic legend
PhD Scholarship: Distribution modelling of Antarctic species
PhD Scholarship: Extracting and compiling knowledge of biology across the Ross Sea Region
Drilling for icy answers
Our new rock-star Professor
Tsunami report for Scott Base
Antarctica to London
Scott Base remembers
Ten million dollar plan
Marsden success for Antarctic science projects
Contestable funding recipients announced
Welcome Tim Naish
NIWA PhD Scholarship
Marvellous modelling
60 years of the Antarctic Treaty
Spotlight on Antarctic science
Climate secrets buried deep beneath the Southern Ocean
Millions of dollars for Antarctic research
Applications open for four three-year research fellowships
New Chief Executive for Antarctica New Zealand
Sun sets on another science season
Youthfull toothfish abound
Antarctica Unfrozen, a podcast series
Diving to new depths for Antarctic science
Congratulations Professor James Renwick
In memory of Professor David Walton
Bombs away in Terra Nova Bay
Sir Ed's temperate legacy
Antarctic stars in their eyes
Unfrozen funds for Antarctica
New Antarctic frontiers
From Antarctic ice to Jupiter's moon
Collaborating under the ice
Into the East
A Greener Antarctica
The Paris Agreement
From the 2019-2020 Field Season
Policy implications of Antarctic ice sheet melting and global sea-level research
Antarctic Science Platform Hui 2025
Knowledge Hub
New Zealand’s Antarctic Science Platform (English)
New Zealand’s Antarctic Science Platform (Te Reo)
Exploring Antarctica’s Coastal Biodiversity: Voyage of Discovery
A Greener Antarctica
A Climate Crisis Opportunity?
cPolicy implications of Antarctic ice sheet melting and global sea-level research
Ocean mixing and heat transport processes observed under the Ross Ice Shelf control its basal melting
A modelling milestone
Icy science, but without the scientists on ice
Jamey Stutz
Scott Base staff continue Antarctic scientific project with coaching from New Zealand-based experts
November Update
Ka pai Caroline
October Update
Official Modelling Hub Opening and Antarctic Science Platform Conference
Cold Call: Edition One
Antarctic scientists support climate emergency
Climate emergency chance to use evidence-based solutions
'People say summer is early — that would never happen in a Māori world view' - Stuff
Change on ice
December Update
Bird's Icy View
Kiwi research team first to use planes to measure Antarctic sea ice
Tangaroa Voyage 2021: Climate monitoring at key Antarctic ocean gateways
Ceisha Poirot
January update
What the future could hold for Antarctica’s unique ecosystems
Scientists accidentally discover life deep underneath Antarctic ice shelf
February Update
More plants could begin to 'invade the Antarctic Peninsula' as the frozen continent warms
Antarctica could be greener and home to new wildlife, major study of the continent's future finds
Antarctic ecosystem in transition – life between stresses and opportunities
Ross Sea Marine Protected Area - Report of an Antarctic Science Platform Stakeholder Workshop
Sharon Stammerjohn
March Update
New research identifies potential tipping points for irreversible loss of the West Antarctic Ice sheet (WAIS) in the Amundsen Sea region
Have we taken control of Earth’s natural climate cycles?
The science behind remotely navigating a safe route across a crevassed ice shelf
Field Update - Project 1 - Siple Coast
Field Update - Project 1 - Byrd Glacier
Field Update - Proejct 1 - Ross Ice Shelf
Field Update - Project 3 - Dry Valleys
Field Update - Project 4 - McMurdo Sound
Connecting Antarctic Science and Policy Workshop
Innovative Technology
Budget 2021: Scott Base investment 'welcome news'
Oceanographic Moorings
April Update
May Update
June Update
Antarctica records its highest ever temperature
Past is prologue – Antarctica in a warming world
Contestable Funding Round “life changing” for early career researcher
Michael Meredyth-Young
Spying on seals from space
July Update
The Changing Antarctic and Southern Ocean and Pathway to Policy
The Changing Antarctic and Southern Ocean and Pathway to Policy
Antarctic Research and New Zealand’s Climate Future
Antarctic Research and New Zealand’s Climate Future
Platelet Ice: A Unique and Fragile Antarctic Ecosystem
Platelet Ice: A Unique and Fragile Antarctic Ecosystem
Choosing the future of Antarctica
Cold Call: Edition Two
Sea Ice Mass Balance Station install 2021
World can expect 50cm sea-level rise by 2100, even if warming stays under 2°C
ECR - Olivia Truax Fullbright presentation
Project 1
ICSHMO 2022 Call for Abstracts
Future of Antarctic plankton linked to sea ice, study shows
New ice drilling technology developed in Wellington on its way to Antarctica
Study reveals climate choices we make in coming decades are make or break – but we won’t see their impact in Antarctica this century
COP26, the IPCC Report and Antarctic Research
Antarctic science underpins urgency for climate action
Searching for answers: Supercooled crystals and fast ice
Cold Call: Edition Three
Drilling into Antarctica’s past to see our future
'Making a difference': Antarctic researchers honoured
November Update
COP26, the IPCC Report and Antarctic Research
On the Precipice
Collaboration Hub User Guide
Project 2 - Antarctic Ocean Mechanics
Project 3 - Ross Sea Ecosystem Changes in a Warming World
Project 4 - Sea Ice and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
ASP Projects Integration Image
Flyer - Overview of the ASP
Flyer - Overview of the ASP (Te Reo Maori)
Flyer - Coastal Biodiversity Voyage of Discovery
ASP Report Cover
PowerPoint Template
PowerPoint Template Instructions
PowerPoint Template Instructions - uploading imagery
Vision Matauranga Strategy
ASP Newsletter Author Guide
Planning for Disruptions
Achieving Impact Through Platform Expert Groups
Integrating Sea Ice Across the ASP
Rob Dunbar Summary Nov. 2021
GNS Image - Ice Loss Scenarios
GNS Graph - Ice Mass by Time
GNS Graph - Sea Level by CO2 by Temp
GNS Image - Flooding Frequency
GNS Image - Sea Level Rise
GNS Animation - Emission Scenario Consequences
Simone Hartmann
Cabinet approves new plan for Antarctic and Southern Ocean research
The Bird that measures Antarctic ice
Microbe communities discovered under Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf
January Update
SCAR early career researcher fellowships
Exploring Antarctica’s hidden under-ice rivers and their role in future sea-level rise
February Update
On the Precipice: the climate change target humanity cannot afford to miss
Sympagic Community Sampler
Bridget Rutherford
ASP Submission - Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways Green Paper 2021
ASP Submission - Aotearoa New Zealand Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science Directions and Priorities 2021-2030
Deborah Diaz
Autonomous Underwater Biosampler
March Update
What's going on with Antarctica's weather?
What's going on with Antarctica's weather?
New Zealand Antarctic Stakeholder Workshop 2022
The Southern Ocean carbon sink: Will it fill up?
The Southern Ocean carbon sink: Will it fill up?
Changes in the Ross Sea and the future of carbon storage
Changes in the Ross Sea and the future of carbon storage
Predicting sea level rise for Aotearoa New Zealand
Ice and Sediment Drilling System
Antarctic Science Platform Submission on Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways 2021 Green Paper
Antarctic Science Platform Research Priorities and Impact Statements
Cold Call: Edition Four
ASP Data and Publication Policy - Version 1.0
Antarctica: coming to a postcode near you
April Update
Melissa Climo
The search for answers in the ice
Jordy Hendrikx
A map of the future
‘Hidden world’ of marine life discovered in Antarctic ‘river’ under ice
Honour for decades of Antarctic research
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
ASP Documents
ASP Policies
ASP Submissions
ASP Review
ASP Templates
ASP Logos
GNS Precipice
June Update
Michelle LaRue
Gemma Brett
Sarah Seabrook
Katie Maier
Seed Projects
The status and future of the Weddell seal in the Ross Sea
Linking oceanographic driven sediment flux to geologic records in Antarctic submarine canyons
Geophysical assessment of fast ice and sub-ice platelet layer in Terra Nova Bay
Tropical thunderstorms affect Antarctic melting
Three new professors announced
Highlights from ecosystems’ research 2021/22
Highlights from ecosystems’ research 2021/22
Andy Reisinger
Groundwater flux into the Ross Sea: An invisible driver of change
Cold Call: Edition One
Antarctic Science Platform in the News 2021/22
Case Study: Machine learning-assisted meta-analysis of biological research in Antarctica
Case Study: Bespoke technology is advancing Antarctic research
Case Study: International cooperation and ocean monitoring in the Ross Sea
Case Study: Scientific advice to international Antarctic Treaty meetings
Case Study: Scientific Advice to International Antarctic Treaty Meetings
Case Study: International cooperation and ocean monitoring in the Ross Sea
Case Study: Bespoke technology is advancing Antarctic research
Case Study: Machine learning-assisted meta-analysis of biological research in Antarctica
Robots race against climate change on seafloor
Case Study: Development of an international scientific drilling consortium to understand “Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in a 2°C warmer world” (SWAIS-2C Initiative)
Case Study: Development of a National Capability for Improving Antarctic Environmental Projections for Evidence-based Decision Making
Case Study: Development of an international scientific drilling consortium to understand “Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in a 2°C warmer world” (SWAIS-2C Initiative)
Case Study: Development of a National Capability for Improving Antarctic Environmental Projections for Evidence-based Decision Making
Case Study: The 2021 ReLiCC voyage of the RV Tangaroa: contributions to the strategic intent of the Antarctic Science Platform
Case Study: The 2021 ReLiCC voyage of the RV Tangaroa: contributions to the strategic intent of the Antarctic Science Platform
Case Study: ASP researchers contribute the IPCC Assessment Report 6
Case Study: ASP researchers contribute the IPCC Assessment Report 6
Scientists chart 45 million years of Antarctic temperature change
Scientists chart 45 million years of Antarctic temperature change
Antarctic Sea Ice #1: Physical role and function
Antarctic Sea Ice #3: Trends and Future Projections
Antarctic Sea Ice #2: Biological Importance
Anne-Marie Rowe
Richard Levy honoured with a BLAKE Award
Highlights from Antarctic ice dynamics research 2021/22
Highlights from ocean mechanics research 2021/22
Highlights from sea ice and carbon cycle feedback research 2021/22
November Update
Fresh understanding of ice age frequency
Survival of emperors depends on emissions reductions
Survival of emperor penguins depends on emissions reductions
Climate change & international diplomacy in Antarctica
Climate change and international diplomacy in Antarctica
ASP publications 2019-2020
ASP publications 2020-2021
ASP publications 2021-2022
Independent Science Panel's review of the Platform
Sharing Antarctic Science Platform knowledge
Tangaroa voyage 2023: Researchers to unveil Antarctic secrets
December Update
SWAIS2C: Kiwi scientists involved in drill to uncover secrets of Antarctica's past
January Update
Highlights of ocean mechanics 2021-22
Highlights of ice dynamics research 2021-22
Highlights of sea ice and carbon cycle feedback research 2021-22
MBIE mid-term review report of Antarctic Science Platform
ASP response to MBIE mid-term programme review
MBIE’s mid-term review of the Antarctic Science Platform
Cold Call: Edition Five
Funding Aotearoa New Zealand’s commitment to the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area
February Update
Receiving messages from the deep
I am a polar oceanographer – this is what I do
Andrew Pauling
Rapid response to protect penguins from bird flu
Passing the baton: Farewell and thanks to Huw Horgan, welcome Dan Lowry
Tangaroa voyage 2023: Phytoplankton in the Ross Sea
Tangaroa voyage 2023: Northern Victoria Land's coastal marine life
Why is Antarctic sea ice melting?
How to recover a mooring from under the sea ice
Alanna Alevropoulos-Borrill
Enhancing New Zealand’s Earth system modelling capability through ice-sheet coupling
Alexis Marshall
A microbial perspective of the Ross Ice Shelf
Tangaroa voyage 2023: Land-sea connectivity in the Ross Sea coastal environment
Massive cavern beneath West Antarctic glacier teeming with life
Record low Antarctic sea ice is another alarming sign the ocean’s role as climate regulator is changing
Sea ice and ocean circulation
The connections between sea ice and climate
Sea ice and ecosystems
Why is Antarctic sea ice so hard to model?
Svenja Halfter
Cold Call: Edition Six
Sea ice and ocean circulation
The connections between sea ice and climate
Sea ice and ecosystems
Why is Antarctic sea ice so hard to model?
New map unlocks deep digital data of Antarctica’s history
Antarctic tipping points: The irreversible changes to come if we fail to keep warming below 2℃
Eva Bendix Nielsen
Gabrielle Koerich
Georgia Pollard
Girija Kalyani Burada
Josephine Frazer
Marte Hofsteenge
Meghan Duffy
Vahid Sepahvand
Yingpu Xiahou
Tamara Pletzer
Under thinning ice at Lake Fryxell
Friis Hills drilling project: New findings
Future sea level rise in Aotearoa and Antarctica
Case study: New Antarctic Ice Sheet data contributes to policy and planning
Case study: Detecting polynya from space
Case study: Filter-feeding sponges as eDNA traps to monitor marine biodiversity baselines and change
Case study: First fully coupled ocean-atmosphere model for the Ross Sea
Case study: New Antarctic Ice Sheet data contributes to policy and planning
Case study: Detecting polynya from space
Case study: Filter-feeding sponges as eDNA traps to monitor marine biodiversity baselines and change
Case study: First fully coupled ocean-atmosphere model for the Ross Sea
Concerned scientists call for immediate climate action
Urgency of Southern Ocean research
Steering Group Deputy Chair
Antarctic Science Platform in the news 2022/23
Ant-ART-ica: Using art to communicate Antarctic research
Thermal bird survey of surface environments in the Taylor Valley
SWAIS2C: A search for answers about ice sheet collapse
Deploying soil sensors in Taylor Valley
Māori Doctoral PhD Scholarship, University of Otago
Antarctic Science Platform Deputy Director
Sea ice emergency summit
As Antarctic sea ice continues its dramatic decline, we need more measurements and much better models to predict its future
New reconstructions of past ice sheet dynamics
Highlights from Antarctic ocean mechanics research 2022/23
Sea ice scientists call for urgent emissions reductions to keep our climate liveable
Rock Clocks: Using cosmogenic nuclides to reconstruct past ice sheet change
Geophysical exploration at Discovery Deep
Highlights from sea ice and carbon cycle feedback research 2022/23
Highlights from ecosystems research 2022/23
Highlights from Antarctic ice dynamics research 2022/23
We landed a camera on Venus before seeing parts of our own oceans – it’s time to ramp up observations closer to home
Phytoclass: A pigment-based chemotaxonomic method to determine the biomass of phytoplankton classes
Basal mass balance and prevalence of ice tongues in the Western ross sea
Ocean turbulent boundary-layer influence on ice crystal behaviour beneath fast ice in an Antarctic ice shelf water plume: The “dirty ice”
Crevasse refreezing and signatures of retreat observed at Kamb Ice Stream grounding zone
Soil environmental DNA metabarcoding in low-biomass regions requires protocol optimization: a case study in Antarctica
An Assessment of the Oceanic Physical and Biogeochemical Components of CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models for the Ross Sea Region
Bringing Antarctica to the lab: a polar desert environmental chamber to study the response of Antarctic microbial communities to climate change
Delineating Polynya Area Using Active and Passive Microwave Sensors for the Western Ross Sea Sector of Antarctica
Conservation of heat and mass in P-SKRIPS version 1: the coupled atmosphere–ice–ocean model of the Ross Sea
New Southern Ocean transfer function for subsurface temperature prediction using radiolarian assemblages
Jenny Webster-Brown
Trevor Drage
ASP Publications 2022-2023
Measuring Antarctic warming with moss
SWAIS2C project ‘tantalisingly close’ to vital climate secrets
New leaders to shape Antarctic Science Platform’s future
Sea-ice trackers: Using GPS and Iridium satellites to follow sea ice break-out events
Jana Newman
Ross Sea Voyage Update #1: Leaving Lyttelton
Ross Sea Voyage Update #2: Crossing the Line
Ross Sea Voyage Update #3: Terra Nova Bay
Ross Sea Voyage Update #4: Katabatic winds
Ross Sea Voyage Update #5: Traversing the Ross Ice Shelf
Ross Sea Voyage Update #6: The Bay of Whales
Ross Sea Voyage Update #7: Cape Colbeck & King Edward VII Land
Ross Sea Voyage Update #8: Along the continental shelf break
Jasmin McInerney
Alina Madita Wieczorek
Gert-Jan Jeunen
Luisa Fontanot
Liv Cornelissen
Voyage to solve the mystery of Antarctica’s plummeting sea ice
Ross Sea Voyage Update #9: Sheltering in sea ice
Ross Sea Voyage Update #10: Sea ice, sunsets and science
Ross Sea Voyage Update #11: Robertson Bay
Ross Sea Voyage Update #12: Crossing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Signs found of worryingly fast Antarctic ice melt
Antarctica's coasts are becoming less icy
Emerging long-term trends and interdecadal cycles in Antarctic polynyas
Tribute to Professor Craig Cary
Podcast: The sea ice factories of Antarctica
New Zealand scientists return from Antarctica's ice with information that could shape future climate policy
Antarctic science-policy knowledge exchange practices in New Zealand
Platelet ice sampling system: the first deployment
Structuring five decades of Antarctic biogeographical records from scientific literature
Science-policy engagement within the Ross Sea region MPA: a pilot survey
Antarctica's sea ice hit another low this year – understanding how ocean warming is driving the loss is key
Rafael Santana
Studying the impact of cyclones on Antarctic sea ice using a new brittle sea ice model
Co-designing the future of the Antarctic Science Platform
West Antarctica’s ice sheet was smaller thousands of years ago – here’s why this matters today
Highlights from the desk of an accidental science 'diplomat'
SWAIS2C core workshop offers first glimpse of sediment from below Ross Ice Shelf
Monitoring melting of the Ross Ice Shelf using radar
Sustained ocean cooling insufficient to reverse sea level rise from Antarctica
Expressions of Interest open: Kaiārahi Rangahau Māori (Research Navigator Māori)
Sampling different parts of the Antarctic food web
GNSS data tracks speed of Ross Ice Shelf movement
Establishing sentinel sites for terrestrial Antarctic biology
Validating drivers for meltwater generation models and regional climate variability
Airborne snow measurements over pack ice
Patrick Gower brings Antarctic science to New Zealand screens
SCAR 2024: HAUWAI-20 autonomous biological sampler
Case study: Scaling up vessel-based research in the Ross Sea
Case study: Scaling up vessel-based research in the Ross Sea
Delane Luke
Case study: Developing the next generation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean researchers
Case study: Developing the next generation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean researchers
Case study: Biological data informs Ross Sea marine ecosystem management
Case study: Biological data informs Ross Sea marine ecosystem management
Case study: Enhanced data sharing capability for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
Case study: Enhanced data sharing capability for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
Esme Robinson
Growing mātauranga Māori research
New research finds significant warming of Ross Sea region
National Modelling Hub: Building skills and collaborations for Antarctic science
Jess Hillman
Katja Bradley
Field events: October 2024
International team launch second attempt to drill deep for Antarctic climate clues
Fund to foster New Zealand and Australian collaboration
Omkar Joshi
Charine Collins
Antarctic research voyage departs Wellington for the Ross Sea
Faezeh Bahmani
Anjali Pande
Tangaroa voyage 2025
First-of-its-kind study: How Antarctica’s melting ice sheet could change NZ’s climate patterns
Frank Mackenzie
Call for Expressions of Interest: Māori Research Leader