Nick Golledge


Numerical Modeller

Victoria University of Wellington & GNS Science

Modelling and Future Projections Working Group Chair

Associate Professor Nicholas Golledge, has an empirical background in geology and glaciology. He specialises in numerical modelling of the Antarctic and Greenland ice-sheets, focusing on their future responses to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, especially the likely magnitude and timing of future contributions to sea-level.

In the Antarctic Science Platform, Nick will use numerical models to simulate the Antarctic ice sheet both at the continental scale and at the scale of individual outlet glaciers. He is co-chair of the Modelling and Future Projections Working Group and the National Modelling Hub.

Nick is an active participant in model inter-comparison exercises such as ISMIP6, which will contribute to the sixth IPCC assessment report, and is part of the Lead Author team for the ‘Oceans, Cryosphere and Sea Level’ chapter of the IPCC assessment report (AR6).

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